Thursday, January 27, 2011


Tuesday is Laundry day. I know it's not anywhere near Tuesday now, but I started writing this post while doing laundry...

Laundry is really hard for me to get done in one day. While I start on Tuesday, but often it's Saturday before all the laundry is washed. And putting them away? Let's just say there have been many weeks where I've had to dig the laundry baskets out of clean clothes so I can pick up the dirty ones off the floor for wash day.

Not a pretty picture at all! Not at all where I want to be as far as taking care of my castle.

A couple of weeks ago, I gave myself a challenge. On my way to bed that Monday night, I hadn't cleaned the bathroom (That day's task) and I realized that I hadn't been using my time very efficiently that day. I decided that $50 said I could get both Monday & Tuesday's chores done in one day.  I got it done though- and learned a few things on the way.

I thought I'd share a few of the laundry tips that I've got floating around in my head while I'm working on it... and if you've got any to add, please let me know! This is a work in progress, and my one success a couple of weeks ago does not make me anywhere near close to having mastered this beast.

The tips:

             1) Start with the loads that have small stuff.
 This way, the first loads to come out are the most painstaking of them all- you can get them out of the way while you've still got your head in the game. I like to start with the whites (Lots of little things to fold- it takes some time) and end with sheets or towels (big items = not as many things to fold. :D )
             2) Fold & put them away right away. I really struggle with this part. Clothes are easiest to deal with while they are still warm from the dryer. At least take them out, dump them on a chair/bed and pull out the things that wrinkle easily.
            3) Make a list
This is what I did the day I completed my challenge. It helped to have a list of things I want to get done in between the loads of clothes. I get more things done that way, and the laundry is more like a timer for my other work. A 30 min wash is the perfect amount of time to tidy a room up, or start supper, or wash the dishes...
            4) Fold small towels lengthwise first
While this doesn't have anything to do with making Laundry day go faster, I find that folding hand towels and dish towels/tea towels lengthwise first saves me a step when I get them out to use them- they are ready to hang over the towel rack, with no re-folding necessary
            5) Wait until the very end to match socks
I know- this sort of contradicts the first point of ordering the loads so that all the small things are out of the way first. If you're always really careful with your socks, this probably won't help you any. But if you're like me, somehow those socks get their mates thrown in a different load of laundry than they are- so waiting until all the laundry is done to fold all the socks increases their chances of finding each other again (how romantic)

I'm sure there are many more laundry tips than the ones I've just shared, but these are the ones that were floating around in my head while I was working on the laundry. To be perfectly honest, I didn't get all the laundry done in one day this week- like I said, I'm still a work in progress.

Anyone have more ideas for me?


  1. I use the laundry as a sort of timer too! I like to see how much I can get done in a 50 minute dryer cycle. Or, I'll do laundry when I have a day of studying to do, and it's a nice study break every hour. Sometimes mindless clothes folding is preferable to trying to cram info into the brain. :)

    I wish you future success in your laundry endeavors! I tend to wait a long time before I do laundry, then I have a marathon laundry day. So just the fact that you have one day a week designated for laundry is a step ahead of me!

  2. Why don't you just do a load everyday, or every second day and that way it's not such a big chore

  3. If you do a load every day or every other day then it's not such a huge chore and you can do your folding while your sitting on the couch in the evenings watching TV. It's also a lot less to put away and just make sure when you get up to head to bed that you grab your folded stuff and just plop it into the drawers. By the way this is Rachel Driedger
