Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Wake up! (week 7)

I know I'm a few days into the week with this post. (strictly, the weeks this year start on Saturday, but I have always used Sunday as my first day of the week) Oh well.

First- let me report back on last week. My goal was to "have a time for everything, and everything in it's time." I definitely didn't follow my schedule exactly. I tried hard, but I wonder if I didn't bite of more than I could chew. I'm trying to lay a foundation for a life-long routine, so I'm not giving up on this one. I'm just breaking it into smaller, more manageable parts.

This week my goal is to wake up on time. Small & simple. I had hoped for a wake up time of between 6 and 7 on week days, and 7 and 8 on weekends. I've quickly realized that I need to modify that a bit. Not every day has the same schedule, so it is a little easier with a two our wake up window than a one hour one. So now I need to get up between 6-8 on week days and 7-9 on weekends.

Yesterday I did well. Today... well, I got up, but I'm tired. I sure didn't want to get up. I try to encourage others on this blog, and now I need your encouragement. What do you do to help yourself wake up in the morning? Caffeine? Music? Do you do something the night before?  Once you're awake, what is your motivation for getting ready for the day? (especially when you've gotten up earlier than you "have to"- a big problem for those of us who don't have external appointments.) It's really easy for me to wake up, look at the clock, talk myself into a few more minutes of sleep and hit the snooze button.


DJ is a good morning person. His secret is eating a banana every morning. See:

My what a big bite you have son. :)


  1. When I'm having trouble waking up in the morning, I usually go to class and sleep. Not sure if I would recommend it, though.

  2. My biggest problem is going to bed early enough. I have to force myself to go to bed at a decent hour sometimes, even if I don't necessarily feel tired yet.

  3. I have a weird schedule working night shift...but I try to get my to do list done before I sleep...but again, I don't have a husband, son or house to worry about! And, you know me, I love the snooze button......
