Monday, October 4, 2010


Since you last heard from me, I've:

Gotten DJ's owl sweater finished
Got a lot of Christmas knitting done
Started working on Christmas cards for Etsy
Went on the shop hop (I'll explain a little later) with a good friend of mine.
Decided to participate in the Project 333 (again, more later)
Went to a fiber festival with another friend, and bought some fiber and a drop spindle to learn how to spin!

The Shop hop is an event put on by the Capitol area Yarn Shop Coopertive. Participatants purchased a "passport" for twenty dollars, and then visited each of the four yarn stores. Holding a passpot entitled the bearer to special deals at each store, as well as a free pattern designed by that store when you bought something there (anything- even just a 50 cent trinket) and... at the second store, you got an extra free pattern from a well know designer ( special just for the shop hop.) And... one more extra pattern when you visited all four shops. You've got a weekend (Thursday through Sunday) to get to all the shops.

DJ got his first cold the Wednesday before Shop hop. Mommy came down with it shortly afterwards too, and though we both got over it about a week later, now mommy has a throat that feels like a sea urchin is stuck in it- swallowing is no fun! I doubt it'll become more than just a sore throat though... I've got lots of tricks up my sleeve to fight it off!

I find it very hard to get things done when I'm sick. I really just want to snuggle under blankets, drink tea & knit. I did try to get work done- I decided that I'd do a one task per day sort of list- which ended up being more like one task the whole week... my poor hubby had to fend for himself most of the days while me & baby were sick.

Project 333:
In short: you chose 33 fashion items (so not underwear, PJs, wedding rings or workout clothes, but everything else is included) such as tops, pants, jackets, earings, shoes, purses, accessories, etc. and those are the only 33 items you wear for 3 months, from October 1-Decmber 31. I'll proably dedicate a post to this at some point, showing you what 33 items I have in my closet. :) For now, there is more info here.

I suppose now that I've mentioned Etsy I ought to explain a litte more about that as well. I opened an etsy shop, under my blog domain name (I.e. Our Humble Castle) I haven't gotten very far on it yet, it's one of those things that I am working on in my spare time (What spare time you ask? Ya, I wonder that too... :P ) Anyway, the web page is:
Expect more cards & dyed yarn to come!

So... do you feel updated? ;)

1 comment:

  1. 333....oh gosh! I just looked at the link and did a little reading...that is so much more than I ever have to wear! Ha! It sounded like a huge shopping spree to me :-)
