Thursday, February 11, 2010

Refreshingly exhausted.

I tried to think of a title first. What a silly idea. I thought I learned that back when I first watched "Anne of Green Gables, the continuing story"...

My body is tired, my mind is tired (pardon me if I don't make sense.), yet as exhausted as I feel physically, I also feel refreshed. I had a great time enjoying two events that I haven't attended in a long time, enjoying the company of friends that I haven't seen since Christmastime. 

I didn't have the energy to get all of the tasks done today that I had intended to. (i.e. washing dishes, organizing the "office" room, etc.) Instead, I chose to enjoy my Thursday as a knitting day. I could choose to feel that I "wasted" my day, or that I failed... I didn't get all of my list done! Instead, I've focused on what I have done at the end of the day.
This is a principle I've been trying to adopt lately...  in the past I've struggled to motivate myself to accomplish the things I need to in this castle of mine. I don't have any external motivators, other than the days that I need to drive D (my husband) to school. It's easy to waste my time and then beat myself up afterward for not getting anything done in a day, yet not change anything the following day. It's also easy to set aside one big task for one day... such as organizing a room, cleaning "the whole house" and then not be able to accomplish it all in one day...  the key is to look at what you have done. My mentor has been encouraging me to "make small acts out of big plays" (or something like that... I'll have to check that quote) Instead of organizing the office, perhaps tomorrow my goal will be to "start" organizing the office. That way, so long as I get a tiny bite off that job, I am able to feel accomlished.
At the end of your day, what HAVE you done? Not what did you want to accomplish, not what should you have accomplished. Even if it wasn't something on your "list"- if it needed to be done, be glad you got it done! Be encouraged  as you think about what you have done, and be determined to do just as well tomorrow.

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