Monday, September 13, 2010

Christmas Gifts

When you're crafty and make most of the Christmas presents you give, it's never too early to start thinking about Christmas. I obviously can't tell you what I'm making, since most of the people who will be getting Christmas gifts from me, also read my blog. :P What I can tell you is that (at least some of) the gifts involve yarn, and so I've been busy dyeing some! It's something that I really enjoy, and allows me to get colors I like on nice yarns for cheaper than what I could get otherwise. And did I mention that it's fun and I love doing it?

I love making things for other people- especially when they like what I've made. I wish I had the time to make Christmas gifts for everone I know, but I'd have to start two years in advance if I did that. Hah!

Growing up, my family often made Christmas gifts for all our neighbors, something simple that we could do a lot of- such as poppycock in rubbermade tins, or gift baskets we'd put together ourselves out of items we purchased in bulk. I tend to follow that idea of gift giving still today- find something simple to make and make a bunch of them for everyone I need to give gifts to.

What have been your favorite Christmas gifts you've given? Crafters: What are your favorite simple gift projects that you like making? I do have to say that knit cotton dish cloths have always been a favorite of mine... I'd love to hear your ideas, but I warn you, I might steal some of them!


  1. Hmm, I made soap one year, candles another I think, ummmm bath bombs (that was fun). Last year was hot chocolate or coffee mixes...yum!
    I just got a new sewing this year there might be some sewing involves..maybe oven mitts for a few people.

  2. I like! How exactly does one make bath bombs?
