Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Baby, Baby!

Our son David Douglas (DJ for simplicity's sake) is here! In fact, he's been here for 10 weeks already. My how time flies.

He's only a day old in this picture, chillin' on the quilt Grandma M made, wearing the coming home outfit that I knit for him.

He was supposed to be a July baby, but he ended up coming on June 22- my doctor induced me early, because my liver started doing funny things, and due to the high risk of still birth (Yikes!) they wanted him out A.S.A.P. once they confirmed my condition.

But all that was a long but fast 10 weeks ago.

A picture at 5w2d. Wide eyed & looking at mommy. That outfit doesn't fit him anymore- he's too long for it!

DJ & mommy in Philadelphia

At 7 weeks we went on a family vaccation, visiting Carbondale IL for a friend's wedding, Nashville on our way to Lynchbutg VA for a week, then Philadelphia & New York before heading home.
Our family by the Liberty Bell
Life is busier then ever, and I am being forced to learn how to make ever moment count, which will be a great blessing in the long term. I'm loving all the new, callanging, and sometimes frightening moments as they come. Here's to being a mom!


  1. Glad to see you back here blogging! Baby DJ is so adorable. I'm sorry I missed you guys in Lynchburg- I was there literally a week later to help my brother move into the dorms, so I just missed you. Btw, I love your short haircut, Sarah-Ashley!

  2. wow! you chopped your hair! :) i love it though. has he worn the clothes i bought him yet? i cant wait to see him in those oshkoshs...hint hint. lol.

  3. hehe.. he's wearing one of the Carters in his passport photo... ;)
