Tuesday, September 14, 2010


My fingers have always been important to me. When I  was younger, my fingers and I learned how to play music on the piano and violin. We practiced hard, and got quite good at what we do. I started painting when I was a teen, and it was my fingers that held the brush. Throughout my education, my fingers have typed many words on a computer's keyboard, trying frantically to keep up with my train of thought. They are typing now, as I write, though this time only one hand's worth of fingers at a time, while the other hand's worth of fingers craddles DJ's head. I've used my fingers to knit and crochet, to grasp the whisk as I mix cake batter, to proudly announce my engagemant with a diamond ring. It was my itchy fingers that sent me to the doctor when DJ needed to be born early, and it's my fingers he prefers for comfort over a pacifier.

What do your fingers do?


  1. my fingers save lives....starting IVs, holding tight the bag valve mask to help someone breath, and calming people when they are frightened......etc.

    miss you sarah ashley :) have a beautiful day

  2. My fingers run along the seams of garments for the military to make sure there are no holes or other problems. More importantly, they manipulate knitting needles!

  3. My fingers pet my cats and dog, they knit knit knit, they play cello and piano, and they cook. They also turn pages when I'm not reading online, but instead holding an old-fashioned book.
